
The March toward 2022

Above: A screenshot of the GPS on Bench Marks web tool mobilized in 2018. NSRS modernization: What NGS is doing and what you can do. “The only thing that is constant is change.” – Heraclitus Although this quote pertains to all of life, its truth is especially painful for professional surveyors and geospatial professionals. But...


Outstanding Geospatial Trends at INTERGEO 2019

INTERGEO, the world’s largest summit in positioning and geospatial tech, wrapped up last week in Stuttgart, Germany, proving that even after 25 years it still can be a great show. It’s the biggest geospatial event of the year where companies around the world showcase their current innovations for the industry, and the xyHt team was...

Weekly xyHt News Links: 09/20/2019

Topcon introduces new technology advancements in inspection and monitoring NCTech joins forces with GeoSLAM on ZEB Discovery Hemisphere GNSS Introduces Next-Generation R620 GNSS Receiver Teledyne Optech introduces its latest Airborne Laser Terrain Mapper for Wide Area and Corridor Surveying New Topcon technology offerings for BIM introduced at INTERGEO Hemisphere GNSS Announces Next-Generation S621 GNSS Survey...

Mapping an Historic Internment Camp

Above: By using drone technology to digitally preserve and reconstruct sites like the Amache Internment Camp, researchers, survivors, and the general public gain a better understanding of an important part of history. UAVs help scholars digitally preserve and reconstruct (in AR) the Amache Internment Camp in Colorado. As national landmarks age, documenting their structures to...


Mapbox cARTography

Over the last few months I’ve just had to get my hands dirty again with Mapbox. For those who don’t know what Mapbox is, let me introduce it. Mapbox is a platform for location-based data. It allows you to host your data with them so that you can stream it into your web maps, and...

My 2019 Interview with Jack Dangermond

Above: Dangermond and Duggan at the Esri UC 2019. What’s changed in a year?  Editor’s Note: At last year’s Esri User Conference, writer Nick Duggan interviewed Jack Dangermond, co-founder (with Laura Dangermond) of Esri. At this year’s UC Nick spent time with Jack again to delve deeper. Nicholas Duggan: First, I need to thank you....
