
Android Field Software on a Nifty Tablet

A quick test drive of the new Access 2020 survey field software on a companion small tablet revealed some coolness. The advent of survey software for Android, long in the works, has brought welcome new options for mobile field platforms. Over the years I’ve used a lot of different field controllers, and more recently tried...

xyHt Magazine! Digital Edition for June 2020

xyHt is back in print! But if you don’t have a subscription, or if someone else in the office has snaffled your copy (or copies?) already, never fear—here’s the digital edition. Click here to view the June 2020 issue of xyHt magazine. Articles in the issue include (links will turn live throughout June, as they...

xyHt Weekly News Links: 5/29/2020

*Click here to visit xyHt’s Virtual Trade Show* How you Build Automated CAD-GIS Workflows 5 Questions on the Synergy of BIM and GIS Commercial UAV Expo Europe 2020 Goes Virtual Integrating UAV-based Lidar and Photogrammetry ASPRS Geo Week Goes Virtual Chinese Surveyors Reach Everest Peak

The Digital Twin Imperative for Design and Construction

The pause button may have been pressed on substantial segments of infrastructure development, repair, and replacement—but not on all. No matter how long it takes to fully resume, the sheer scale of design and construction necessary to meet future global infrastructure needs is staggering. It’s projected that by the year 2035 the global middle class...

Build a Survey Tracker Map

We all have a little more time on our hands at the moment and it seems like the perfect time to do a little tidy of some of our data and do a little organization. In fact, I’m going to walk you through setting up something that clients have asked me to build for them...
