
xyHt Weekly News Links: 06/26/2020

*Click here to visit xyHt’s Virtual Trade Show* SBG Systems has New Miniature Sensors for Navigation Microdrones Invites You to Play the Ultimate Surveying Game Show: SURVEYOR SAYS. Mobile Laser Scanning Technology Workshop Postponed ConTech Roadshows Rescheduled Monitoring and Protecting Ecosystems from Space China Launches Final Beidou Satellite; Completes GPS-like Nav System Ground Penetrating Radar...

Reference Framework Update Delayed

Roll out of the National Spatial Reference System (U.S.) update, originally envisioned for 2022, may not complete until a 2024-2025 time frame. Many reasons are contributing to this delay. FAQ from the National Geodetic Survey:

Let’s talk about MapOps

 I’m not going to lie, I’m slowly mutating into one of those GIS high-level manager types who work less on real day to day map work and more about concepts and frameworks…even, at points strategizing. I hate it, give me some kriging interpolation or some hardcore viewshed analysis any day, but one thing is becoming...

Using QGIS in the Cloud with Amazon Web Services (AWS)

It’s easy to run a popular open-source geospatial suite on this hosted cloud platform: AWS. QGIS is a great piece of software, and I would really recommend you try it out if you are currently working with ArcGIS, MapInfo or any other piece of GIS software. However, if you don’t have admin rights on your...

Ground Control Points as a Service?

Ground control points for aerial, satellite, and UAS imaging and remote sensing projects, large and small, can be downloaded on-demand—what a service! We look at an example service, and link to an upcoming webinar of the subject. With cameras pointed at Earth from hundreds of cubesats and tens of thousands of UAVs, in addition to...
