
Boston Dynamics’ robot dog Spot waits to be called into use in a reconstruction project at Denver International Airport.

See Spot Scan: Robots in Your Workplace

Performing construction work in an operating airport is a complex and challenging project. Doing so in the 20th-busiest airport in the world requires an experienced team, an innovative approach, and even, thanks to Boston Dynamics, a robotic dog named Spot. With its internationally recognized snowy-peaked roof design and award-winning hotel extension, the airport owned by...

National Geodetic Survey Age Discrimination?

Now that I am in my 60s, I have become more aware of potential age discrimination, and the reverse thereof. A few years ago, it bothered me when my purchase total was reduced at the last minute and realized I had received the “Senior Discount” without actually qualifying for it. Now it bothers me when...

Chevron beta tested Cyrax on an oil & gas field in Kazakhstan. These images show the 3D laser scanner’s camera image of the vessels and the resulting point cloud scan.

The Early Days of 3D Scanning, Part 3: Cyra Unleashed

In Part 1, I described how in 1996, while working for Trimble, I first became aware of 3D laser scanning. It was being developed by Cyra Technologies Inc., a small start-up that had approached Trimble seeking a potential partnership. The jaw-dropping technology demo hooked my interest. In Part 2, I described my role in evaluating...

xyHt Weekly News Links: 08/21/20

ATLAS and BlackSky Harness Expanded Earth Observation Capabilities Using LiDAR from a Drone for Detailed Mapping of Hard-to-Reach Locations Phase One and Acecore Integrate Camera and Drone Technologies GNSS RTK Rover with Visual Positioning Simplifies Surveying UAS TO Launch Navigation Satellites New Esri Textbooks for Spatial Education

Biking to capture street imagery in the Galapagos. © Chris Beddow

Galapagos in 360 Degrees

“Like cinders… infernal… leafless…” Charles Darwin wrote those words in his diary on September 16, 1835, after setting foot for the first time on the Galapagos. Darwin, whose scientific work in the far-flung archipelago considerably changed our understanding of how life on Earth evolves, was a keen observer of nature. And on that day, while...

xyHt Weekly News Links: 8/14/20

TDI-Brooks Maps the Liberty Ship Reef Site George Vancouver Introducing the FARO Trek METALCON Update Helicopter-based Lidar for Snow and Ice Observations 3D Modeling for Construction: Lidar vs. Photogrammetry AerialSphere Next-Gen Mapping Technology May Change How Consumers Experience Real Estate Iceland Space Agency: Mirroring the Environment on the Moon and Mars!
