
xyHt Weekly News Links: 01/08/2021

Accessing the Global Lidar Market Outlook on Terrestrial Laser Scanning Global Market Navigating Airspace with Drones Rules Webinar MEASURE CEO Appointed to FAA’s Drone Advisory Committee World’s First 940mm Global Shutter Flash Lidar

Safe ‘n Sound: Distancing in Construction

IoT technology is helping workers maintain social distancing on the job site during the pandemic and making contact tracing easier. And it all starts with a beep. Months into the pandemic, construction workers in the U.S. already know the drill by heart: don a hard hat, wear a mask, wash your hands and keep distancing from...

Running Interference

Is Ligado Networks’ proposed terrestrial nationwide network a threat to GPS or a boon to 5G? The Global Positioning System has always faced challenges inherent in its design (weak signal, orbital and clock errors, receiver noise, dilution of precision), as well as from natural phenomena (ionospheric and tropospheric delays, solar flares), local topography and the built environment...

Landslide Bill Clears Congress; Labor Rescinds AAM 212

The passage of the National Landslide Preparedness Act by the U.S. Senate last week drew enthusiastic support from the National Society of Professional Surveyors (NSPS). The landslide bill passed by unanimous consent following earlier approval by the House of Representatives and clears the bill for signature into law by President Trump. Also last week the...

Outlook 2021

Our recent December 2020 / January 2021 issue features a special pull-out section for “Outlook 2021”. You can click here to view it!

Stacy Jacobs, surveyor

30 Years In: Female PLS Still Gets Questioned

When I started surveying, during college breaks in western New York, I was fortunate enough to work for a company owned by a woman. The party chief I worked for was a woman. As I moved up and became a chief myself, I was able to work with several other women as my rodperson. Women in the...
