All posts by xyHt

Taisha Waeny
Project Manager, Esri, in Australia and New Zealand We received multiple nominations for this dynamic geospatial professional from three continents. Taisha Waeny has become one of the most-recognized voices for the international community of Esri CityEngine users and the broader geospatial community, as well. Taisha encourages young people to enter the geomatics profession by pointing...

Adruce Azman
Project Systems & Controls Engineer, Lebuhraya Borneo Utara Sdn.Bhd Malaysia Adruce Aazman is on a mission. His has a key role in the modernization of the historic Pan Borneo Highway, a 1300km system linking the two Malaysian states with regions of Indonesia (and the island of Borneo). Adruce is responsible for the controls and monitoring...

Monica Stephens
Assistant Professor, the State University of New York at Buffalo New York, USA Big data, the geoweb, the influence of maps and mapping on society, and volunteered geographical information (VDI) are some of the subjects taught and researched by Dr. Monica Stephens. A popular educator and guest speaker, Monica is also a geo-blogger, tackling map...

Natalie Dobbs
Vice President, Spatial Innovision Ltd. Trinidad and Tobago Natalie Hobbs serves on the Vanguard Cabinet of the Urban and Regional Information Systems Association (URISA), the international nonprofit association of GIS practitioners. The Cabinet, formed in 2011, seeks to engage and support young GIS practitioners and professionals. Internationally recognized and lauded for her work in these...

Pengfei Duan
Senior Autopilot Engineer, Tesla California, USA Of course, a nomination from the innovation incubator Tesla would pique interest. A recent boom in R&D has connected the worlds of high-precision GNSS and multi-sensor autonomous and augmented navigation systems. Pengfei (Phil) Duan is a talented young engineer with deep roots in GNSS engineering and research who is...

Michelle Japitana
Instructor and Concurrent Chairman, Engineering Sciences Department, Carga State University, Philippines Testimonials for Michelle Japitana were remarkable. (This year we received a record number of nominations from the Philippines, and we wish we could honor all the fine candidates.) Michelle’s nominators noted that her strength in the geospatial community is her research capabilities in the fields...