All posts by Shelly Cox

Lorien Barlow
Documentary Filmmaker, Hard Hatted Woman LLC Nyack, New York We met Lorien Barlow at Autodesk University, where she wowed us with a passion and desire not motivated by financial or personal gain—waiting tables or whatever it took to make her project come to fruition. Her first feature-length documentary film, Hard Hatted Woman, is about women...

Jake Maxwell, PLS
Chief Surveyor, Municipal Light and Power Alaska, USA The geomatics program at the University of Alaska, Anchorage has many accomplished young alumni. Among these is Jake Maxwell, an exemplary student who has gone on to become an exemplary surveyor, moving up the career ladder and supporting the surveying profession and local community. Maxwell began surveying...

Bárbara Salgado Seguel
Survey Engineer, Uasvision Ingeniería Chile Bárbara Salgado Seguel has executed and managed a variety of surveying and engineering projects in support of mining, commercial development, public works, and utilities. Her home country of Chile has undergone an unprecedented boom over the past several decades, but also several devastating natural disasters. The engineering and surveying communities...

Alice Gadney
Founder & President, Silver7 Mapping & Mini Map-Makers Bedford, England “Captain Alice” Gadney’s mission underscores much of the geospatial work done globally: “To help people understand the world around them and their need for a great communications tool—the map.” She applies this mission to her work with industries and organizations through her cartography company, Silver7...

Elena Buenrostro
Founder & CEO, Women Who Drone New York, USA By the summer of 2018, the Federal Aviation Administration of the U.S. had already reached the 100,000 mark for part 107 small UAS operator registrations. The number of units for non-military UAS is expected to triple to over three million units by 2022—or more. Elana Buenrosto...

Jacky C.K. Chow
President, Vusion Technologies Calgary, Canada Jacky Chow is a passionate and talented researcher in the fields of sensor fusion, robotics, machine learning, calibration, biomedical imaging, and numerical optimization. His work covers a broad scope of applications, from calibrating omnidirectional cameras for robot vision to using photogrammetric techniques for monitoring of burns patients. Although he has...