All posts by Rafael Ponce

THSOA: New Website and US Hydro 2023
Staying Fluid The Hydrographic Society of America (THSOA) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization committed to promoting education in hydrography, inshore surveying, inland waters surveying, offshore surveying, positioning and mapping/charting, including related earth sciences. We have organized in a National Board, including the president, secretary, treasurer, and four trustees, and our members by geographical regions, in...

New Horizons in 2022
News from The Hydrographic Society of America For those that are not too familiar with this organization, The Hydrographic Society of America Inc., also known as THSOA, is a non-profit professional membership organization, whose main focus is to provide support to its members in the Americas. We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization committed to promoting...

The US Hydro 2021 Conference, a virtual and real success
Last September THSOA held its very successful US Hydro 2021 Conference, the first completely virtual event and a learning experience for all of us involved in the organization. I want to thank everyone at The Hydrographic Society of America US Hydro Conference organizing committee, Board of Trustees, moderators, speakers, conference sponsors, academia, and government organizations, and...

The Hydrographic Society of (the) America(s) and the US Hydro 21 Conference
A modern hydrospatial organization adapting to today’s challenges The Hydrographic Society of America (THSOA) as it is commonly known in the hydrographic world, is a non-profit organization committed to promoting education in hydrography, inshore surveying, inland waters surveying, offshore surveying, positioning, and mapping/charting, including related earth sciences. Our organization is divided into seven regional chapters:...