All posts by Nicholas Duggan FRGS Cgeog (GIS)

Preserving Florida’s Sea Turtles
Technology helps track endangered marine life, saving sea turtles one nest at a time The sun is barely rising above the water along the Florida coastline, but groups of people are already walking the beach, notebooks in hand, eyes focused on the sand, pausing, kneeling, pointing. They are here as they are every spring to...

GIS Day 2020
Do you have “Open University” days where you are? Here in Southampton, in the United Kingdom, every March each university opens its doors to the public. Students, staff and spouses have stands around the university where they do demonstrations or share their science subjects. Most of this is hands-on and each is a great day...

iPhone Pro 12 – Survey device??
There is a buzz on the underground, geospatial people are tweeting about lidar in the new iPhone 12 Pro. What really escalated it all was Matterport releasing a new scan app on the Apple store, it was then followed by a few geospatial people alluding to be able to scan cities and even map rooms...

Update: GeoBIM and 3D GeoInfo Conference
EuroSDR is a not-for-profit organization linking national mapping and cadastral agencies with research institutes and universities in Europe for the purpose of applied research in spatial data provision, management and delivery. Over the last few years they have ran several projects, one of particular interest being in the use of BIM (building information modeling) and geo-data in...

Jack Dangermond Part 5: Looking to the future
At the Esri User Conference, xyHt European editor Nicholas Duggan sat down for a one-on-one interview with Jack Dangermond, Esri founder and CEO. In Duggan’s five-part online series, running each day this week, Dangermond discusses everything from Esri’s beginning to the future of GIS. Here in Part 5 the two discuss what might be coming...

Jack Dangermond, Part 4: Field Maps and Stuff
At the Esri User Conference, xyHt European editor Nicholas Duggan sat down for a one-on-one interview with Jack Dangermond, Esri founder and CEO. In Duggan’s five-part online series, running each day this week, Dangermond discusses everything from Esri’s beginning to the future of GIS. Here in Part 4 the two discuss Quantum Navigation and Field...