All posts by Marc Delgado, PhD

Change the Map and Join the Movement
Craig Allan, chairperson of OpenStreetMap Foundation, talks about helping run the world’s biggest community mapping project, working with artificial intelligence, and why after two decades there are still unmapped places

Goodwill Mapping
As GISCorps celebrates two decades of voluntary map-making missions, we learn from their volunteers how sharing one’s GIS skills where they are needed can be a force for good.

Open for Business
A newly approved international standard may just be the key to help speed up the construction sector’s digital transformation–starting by making BIM data format accessible.

Signed, Sealed, and Delivered
From GIS to satellite remote sensing and street-level imaging, the latest geospatial technologies are behind every successful delivery, down to the very last mile.

Geospatial Tech Reaches the Olympics
Are you watching the most important global sporting event this month in Paris? Then expect not only the world’s best athletes competing for the podium, but also the best of GIS and Digital Twin technologies applied in a sporting event at a grand scale. British company OnePlan is the official digital twin and mapping partner...

The Best Maps Are Not Behind Us
Professional cartographer Evan Applegate shares his mapmaking process, including what’s inside his toolbox. He also tells us why in-person feedback is important to become a better mapmaker.