All posts by Jeff Salmon

In the Face of COVID-19: Keep Calm and Survey On

Coping with COVID-19 requires flexibility and planning. Don’t worry, this is not yet another article on how to wash your hands, stay home if you’re sick, and sneeze into a tissue or your elbow. I’m assuming you’re aware of the basics. Instead I focus on ideas for coping with COVID-19 should your geospatial business become...

The Cost of Compliance: FAA’s NPRM Remote ID: Part Two

Due to a scheduling issue, the January 21st issue of Pangaea (including part one of this series) was published only online. Here’s the link to part one. In part one of this series, we looked at the basics of the FAA’s Remote ID (RID) plan as outlined in its notice of proposed rule-making (NPRM). Now...

The FAA’s NPRM for Remote ID: Part One, the Basics

We’ve got a lot of material to cover on these important rules, so let’s jump right in. Remote identification (RID) is the FAA’s “license plate in the sky” for UAS that, once implemented, will pave the way for a host of advanced unmanned capabilities: beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS), operations over people (OOP), night-time...

What’s Your BHAG for 2020?

It just dawned on me: 2020 isn’t just a new year but the start of a new decade. Now is a perfect time to start planning for it. Let’s start with that cryptic headline: Just what the heck is a BHAG? A Big Hairy Audacious Goal (BHAG) is a concept developed by acclaimed business researcher...

The Best of Commercial UAV Expo

Once again I traveled to that desert paradise we call Las Vegas to attend the Commercial UAV Expo. And once again I was invited to participate in the “Pitch the Press” event. A panel of five “high profile press representatives,” including me, listened to pitches from 15 innovative UAS firms touting the newest offerings. So...