All posts by Gavin Schrock

Advice for the Young Surveyor

A conversation with Muried Alvin (Al) Pepling, PLS From FN editor Scott P. Martin: Al’s advice and insight contains much wisdom that can be applied to almost any professional career, but especially ours. Reading this caused me to recollect on writing “What is a Professional Land Surveyor?” and “Mentoring: A Two Way Street.” To succeed,...

In the atomic clock laboratory with Dr. Villahermosa (left), the author (center), and Dr. James Camparo, Aerospace Fellow, Electronics and Photonics Laboratory (right)

Project Sextant

A unique research study from pioneers in the development of the GPS system yields a plan for a look into the future of PNT—improving resilience, options, flexibility, and availability. When something like GPS puts positioning, navigation, and timing (PNT) in the hands (and pockets) of millions, maybe even billions, of people across the world, experts...

Surveyors of Tomorrow: Following Familial Footsteps

Sometimes the most valuable and viable pool of recruits is sitting across from you at the dinner table. Some people have an affinity for surveying or a related field “in their blood,” and quite a few have it, literally, “in their bloodlines.” There are a lot of multi-generational practices. These are more common among small,...

Aerospace Corp’s Role in the Development of GPS

The origin of global navigation from space has roots going back more than a century. Scientists, authors, and visionaries from Tsiolokowsky, Oberth, Lev, Noordung, and Goddard to Arthur C. Clarke saw navigation as a potential benefit of space vehicles and satellites. In the 19th century, author and historian Edward Everett Hale’s “Brick Moons” were envisioned...

At Aerospace Corp: A Tour of Aerospace Corporation

Chartered in 1960 during the peak of the space race, this independent, federally funded research and development center serves satellite and missile systems clients. Their government sponsor is the United States Air Force, more specifically the Space and Missile Systems Center (SMC), which includes the GPS directorate (SMC/GP, formerly the GPS Wing). The GPS Directorate...

Full Kit: xyHt Looks at Cutting-Edge Surveying Gear

Topcon releases a complete surveying suite. The release is timely. For forward-thinking firms trying to meet increased demand, two key challenges are staffing up and gearing up. Many firms that have not added crews or upgraded kit for more than a decade are looking to do both in a hurry. xyHt attended several surveying and...