All posts by Gavin Schrock

Surveying Mentoring Program – Arizona

A new land surveying mentorship program is launching in Arizona. “Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.” ― Benjamin Franklin The Launch In 2019, the United Surveyors of Arizona, a member-driven non-profit, is developing and facilitating the first ever officially sanctioned surveying mentorship program in Arizona....

Dale Atkinson

Director & Cadastral Surveyor, Atkinson & Booy Surveys Queensland, Australia The Surveying and Spatial Sciences Institute (SSSI) is a premier organization for promoting excellence in these fields, chiefly in Australia but with growing global recognition. At the 2017 Asia Pacific Spatial Excellence Awards in Queensland, few attendees were surprised that the Young Professional of the Year...

Mahtab Moteab

Geospatial Data Analyst, Geocurve Ltd. Kelvedon, UK Mahta Moteab began her geospatial career with an associate degree in civil engineering technology at the Technical Faculty of Surveying, Tehran, then a Bachelor of Surveying Technology at the Darolfonoon Institute of Higher Education. She has worked as a cartographer, and in photogrammetry as technician, and then as...

Gabriela Olekszyk

Surveyor & GIS Analyst, Woods Auckland New Zealand Gabriela Olekszyk began her geomatics/geospatial career in Western Australia, surveying for mining concerns during vacation breaks while studying for a Bachelor of Surveying Technology at Curtin University. Western Australia has become a crucible for geomatics: a vast land (almost four times the size of Texas), sparsely populated, but...

Surveying Instruments on Mars

Above image credit: National Geographic Keen-eyed viewers of the groundbreaking National Geographic Channel series “Mars,” now in its second season, might have noticed familiar-looking equipment among the near-future science fiction gadgets—surveying instruments. We highly recommend this series for the techie and non-techie alike. It’s a mix of the story of a fictionalized first Mars colony,...

Kari Hicks

Senior GIS Analyst, Duke Energy Ohio, USA Duke Energy is one of the largest utilities in the U.S., with nearly eight million customers across multiple states in the Midwest and Eastern Seaboard. Like other utilities, Duke is seeking to modernize and provide affordable, reliable, and greener energy for growing markets through improved engineering efficiencies and...