All posts by Eric Gladhill
Just Warming Up
Surveyor’s Corner It’s that time of the year when many of us are experience frigid temperatures, and we must be ready for difficult days in the field. I’m sure there are those who will say—as Alfred Wainwright once said, “There’s no such thing as bad weather, only unsuitable clothing.” To that, I would respond with...
Spring has Sprung
Field Notes Is there a better profession than being a surveyor–especially in the spring? These are the beautiful days we all wait for with anticipation through the cold and windy days of winter. I’ve always felt that when one works outdoors, they freeze all winter for a few nice days in the spring and then...
Dangerous Dargan and an Old Indian Deed
Sponsored by Xponential With apologies to both the residents of southern Washington County, Maryland, and to the Native Americans; this title reflects an old, somewhat derogatory term for an area, and the title of a sign placed by the Maryland State Roads Commission in that same area. As I was driving along Harper’s Ferry Road...
Surveyor or Engineer – What’s the Difference?
Sponsored by Geomax’ X-Pad Field software designed for today’s surveyors. There have been many instances during my long career as a surveyor that someone has referred to me as an engineer. I would usually feign an attitude of being insulted and explain that even though I had to work with those guys, I was not...
Surveying: It’s a Wonder
Sponsored by NCEES Get your end-of-year credits. Click here to learn more. Surveying is a fascinating and wonderful profession–just think about the great things that we have the opportunity to accomplish from day-to-day. We may create a new tract of land through subdivision which allows a young person to have a new home on their...
It Can Get Uncomfortable Out There
Most field surveyors are pretty tough. This is somewhat contrary to what I had written in a previous article which posed the question, “Are Surveyors Getting Soft These Days?” That can be debated, but I truly believe that my first sentence is true. When the temperature gets above 90 degrees, as it does in many...