About Us
xyHt is a group of publications on geospatial topics—for professionals and “prosumers”—published by XYHT, LLC.
We’re a source for news and analytics about land surveying, GNSS, UAS, hydrography, 3D imaging, and more (for a full overview of our coverage, scroll past the covers gallery below). We’re based in North America but our eyes and interests are international.
We print 11 issues of xyHt magazine per year, with two seasonal supplements. All print issues are also available digitally for free (check them out here), as are our two emailed newsletters: Pangaea and Surveyors’ Field Notes. All subscriptions are free (unless you live outside the US and want the print magazine, in which case a fee applies).
You can read the bulk of our features here, on xyHt.com. We hope you enjoy our web-exclusive articles, as well. Why not leave us a comment? It’s great to hear from readers, whatever field you’re in.
How you can participate:
To partner with us for advertising, email Chuck Boteler.
To write for us, click here to learn more. Or investigate our editorial vs. advertising guidelines.
Feel free to download our editorial calendar.
xyHt wants to hear from you!
Whether you want to write for us, advertise with us, drop us a line with a hint for Located, tip us off to any great leaps in the business of surveying or location technology, or just feel like letting us know what you thought of an article—we’d welcome that—and we want to hear about it.
xyHt is on Twitter at @xyHt
We’re on Facebook, right here.
We also have Instagram, so you can keep up with what we’re seeing and get sneak peeks at what’s coming up.
And of course, you can comment on any of the articles on this site, no matter how far back they are in the archives.
What does “xyHt” mean?
xyHt signifies a set of coordinates:
x = left-right
y = fore-aft
H = up-down (orthometric height)
t = epoch/time
The xyHt areas of interest:
xyHt and its related publications cover topics in precision location and measurement. Specifically:
- Land surveying, boundary, cadastral | Geodesy|Legacy terrestrial surveying, total stations, levels
- Cartography | GIS, GIOS, Spatial IT
- Fleet management, routing, routing grade | Precision agriculture, precision guidance, intelligent transportation systems
- Precision navigation, robotics guidance
- Hydrography, bathymetry | Marine/underwater construction surveying
- Structural monitoring, deflections/seismic, large-motion monitoring
- BIM, plant and process, facilities, architecture
- Engineering surveying, construction surveying, machine control, quantities
- Terrestrial signal-based navigation/guidance systems
- Indoor signal-based location systems
- Satellite imagining/photogrammetry | Satellite radar/sensing
- Airborne, UAS photogrammetry | Airborne, UAS lidar, radar
- Terrestrial photogrammetry | Terrestrial lidar, radar
- Sonar/acoustic systems and vessels, AUV, ROV | Inertial systems
- Integrated positioning systems—IMU/GNSS/DMI/laser/RF
What happened to Professional Surveyor Magazine?
Flatdog Media published Professional Surveyor Magazine for more than 30 years. Click for a message from geodesist Dave Doyle and one from our former publisher Neil Sandler to read why we retired PSM and created xyHt.
PSM archives prior to April 2013 are on the PSM website — April to June are right here.